For this campaign I was tasked by Crozer Health and Temple Medicine to stir volunteer enrollment for a novel Alzheimer’s trial study. They needed a logo, flyer and social ads/posts. I thought that the logo should convey the integral topic of the study, i.e. solidifying a connection between cardiovascular health and Alzheimer’s disease. In response, I melded the heart and brain, while adding a painted circle to represent and internalize the idea that there is a connection between the circulation of the two.
Simultaneously, I wanted to humanize the study as much as possible and keep away from the uneasiness one may feel by enrolling as a test subject. For that, I included imagery of intimate relationships with the elderly to entice individuals to consider what can be lost with Alzheimer’s and the significance of such studies. I included a heart-shaped paint swipe to include a more familiar image of the heart that is more often used to represent love in our society. To delineate the vital information of the study I used box elements to keep information digestible and organized. Furthermore, I used eye catching colors that relate to medicine and the study. The prints were made to stand out and make a stronger impression.
Copy credited to Carmen Perrone.
flyer | postcard | instagram | facebook | twitter